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Thousands of free Business downloads for Windows, have fun!

Windows Business

Name Downloads     
BillPower 6.1
BillPower is a fully integrated timekeeping, billing, and bookkeeping system that will produce a wide variety of reports, including income-expense statements, balance sheets and aged receivables reports. Runs on single PC, LAN, or the Internet.
Bulk SMS Software for Blackberry Phones
Free download Bulk SMS Software for Blackberry Phones from website helps to create and forward thousands of messages in just single mouse of click across worldwide location.
Business Cards Maker Program
Comprehensive Business Cards Maker Program for Industry organization provides various designing objects like pencil, arc, lines, text, pictures, ellipse etc for creating best quality business cards in short time duration.
Chronilist 6.1
Chronilist will handle not only your busy itinerary, but that of everyone in your office. A convenient phonebook and many unique scheduling features make this a no-nonsense, get-down-to-business program. Runs on single PC or network.
Client Tracks 6.1
Client Tracks integrates contact managment with one of the most complete schedulers available. Thousands of clients, scheduled events, income and expenses may all be handled with this program. Runs on single PC, LAN, or the Internet.
Excel to VCF vCard
User friendly and Portable Excel to vCard Converter software download easily from website to transform Microsoft Excel contact number list into VCF file format or extension.
Express Dictate Dictation Recorder 5.95
Express Dictate is a professional digital dictation recorder that allows you to record dictations and send automatically to a typist from a Windows PC. Includes voice activated recording, encryption and send via Email, FTP, LAN or Command Line.
Form Pilot Office 2.47
Form Pilot Office is specially designed for filling out paper and electronic forms on your computer instead of using a typewriter.
Inventory Barcode Labels Creator
Barcode label creator utility generates colored barcode in JPG, JPEG, BMP and GIF file format. Application allows you to create barcode label according to the business needs and specification. Software provides barcode preview before printing.
Make Printable Birthday Card
Company website offers Make Printable Birthday Card application to generate multiple copies of greetings and save it for further usages in Windows desktop.
Migrate Access Database To SQL
Convert the row and column of MS access into MySQL with database converter tool. MS access to MySQL database migration program provides interactive GUI and easily operated by non technical user. DB converter runs in all Windows operating systems.
Pocket Dictate Dictation Recorder 5.13
Pocket Dictate is a Pocket PC voice recorder. You dictate directly on your Pocket PC using the buttons on the unit. When done, tap send and the dictation will be compressed, encrypted and sent to your typist by email automatically.
Print To PDF Pro 1.07
Print to PDF from any application that is able to print or simply drag and drop the file onto the application to print it, ideal for creating copies of bank statements, payments, online ordering, conversions, screen shots etc etc.
ScheduLAN 6.1
ScheduLAN is a network-based product that includes one of the most complete office schedulers available, an office sign-out board, a message center, and a shared phone book. May be used on a single computer, local area network, or even the Internet.